Kamala Harris:

A woman who can strain out a gnat yet swallow a camel. Americans are being hoodwinked by this woman. She is a skilled manipulator, and artful liar, uniquely unstable, and a bewitching charmer. There are those in the public who are unaware of this woman’s skills as a covert manipulator. She has been sent out to receive the power of the Presidency for a faction in her party of power hungry elitest and hypocrites. There are ten portions of hypocrisy in the political world, nine can be found in Kamala’s words and past accomplishments. As I watch and listen to her speak, my charm alarm bells begin to sound off.

Kamala has mastered an artful way of asserting certain true facts concerning her years as a lawyer, judge and Vice-President, but she has also developed a unique way of hiding details and motives. Her reasons are to cast false impression concerning her true goals which are, “A people for the government.” If you want to know the real Kamala Harris, spend a little time and examine her past. Her open border policy is destroying the heart and soul of America. Take a good look at your grocery bills and tell me her 3 1/2 years in office have helped or hindered you personally. All she will be is a Joe Biden 2, only far more radical. She has turned criminals loose on the public, only to rape and murder young women a second and third time. Kamala never speaks about these things, it’s not because she’s ashamed, it’s because she doesn’t care. The sad reality of our times, we are now living in a morally impaired age. Information disfunction is a Sprectum occurrence in our everyday life. Kamala’s bought and paid for news media hold her up as America new Savior. Her supporters for the most part have no fear of Lord, they worship the creation and not their Creator. If this woman is elected, there will be no happy, healthy life for the average working class. Like Tennessee Ernie Ford wrote in his song, “You’ll turn your soul over to the company store.” Last words; don’t be misled, fast check her past and her words. Don’t let her pull the wool over your eyes. If she’s ever elected, “God help us!” You had better get busy and warn your family and friends, the first mail in voting is only a few days away.