Finishing With A Clear View

Finishing With a Clear View:

It is our duty, as Christians, to acquire all the knowledge we possibly can in these last days. God will give to us, from himself that which he has promised to convey not by men alone, but by his Holy Spirit. When we have learned all we can from our teachers, our preachers and ministers, remember, we yet have much to learn from God himself through prayer and study.

If the gift of understanding is given to you, the Holy Spirit will reveal any hidden mysteries; mysteries only understood in part until these last days. We must be patient and wait on him to unfold that which has not been clearly understood.

The recent mystery was revealed of an exhausted people, a dispirited people; a broken, dispersed and hated people; a people having no hope, but yet, by the grace and promises made to them by God, fulfilled the Old Testament Scriptures. In May of 1948, God’s Holy Spirit began to gather this ancient people of Israel, as promised and prophesied, and set them back in their own land.

Because we have entered the last days we must no longer approach the scriptures as children, but as adult Christians. We must develop new ideas and higher levels of understanding. We must grow and improve our knowledge of scripture, develop new approaches and strategies, exercises all our past experiences, connect the yet few remaining unconnected dots, and gather all remaining bits and pieces of prophesies not yet clearly understood; reason it all out; then finish the work God has set before us to accomplish.

When finished, only then can we have a clear view of the whole word of God. We are close to the catching away of the church, and for no other reason we must make known all these end time prophesies to a world that has become entangled in the many traps set out by the devil and his disciples. Let us all get to work and finish the job!

Phil LaSpino