Son of Abraham, Son of David.

Names and Offices of Jesus: Son of Abraham, Son of David.

Abraham was the first, from whose family it was predicted that Messiah should come,

Genesis 22:18, “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed…,” David being the last. To the Jews, the two men were the great starting-points of the Messiah’s lineage, as the seed, and as King. God has fulfills His promise! Jesus the seed,

Genesis 3:15, “Her = (Eve’s) seed; it shall bruise thy head = (Satan’s.)”

Jesus is also the last King of the Jews coming from the line of David, and in whose throne He shall rule, forever. David was the most renowned of sovereigns, being both king and prophet. Abraham was both priest and prophet. These three offices of king, priest, and prophet, had never been united under one man, until and except in the person of Christ. As the Messiah, Jesus possessed and then executed the function of these three offices in such a perfect way, that no other person ever could.

Phillip Laspino