Day 4

Day 5, March 26, 2023. 

Artificial Intelligence in the hands of evil men will be the last nail in the coffin before the tribulation begins. The devil said, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, — I will be like the most High.”

Two things Satan needs to do before even thinking about exalting his throne above Jesus Christ’s. He has to create, and he has to raise the dead to life. I believe Artificial Intelligence will be the technology needed to accomplish his goals.  10/22/24

A man who has a say in your life and mine.

George Santos the man who lied about everything in his life in order to get elected, and who is himself a homosexual has introduced a bill cutting off money to nations who discriminate based on sexual orientation. And like any disease or plague, this perverse lifestyle he stands behind is spreading and infecting our children and young adults. Homosexuality is a blasphemous sin against God, man and nature. It will bring God’s wrath down on this nation if we continue on this politically motivated path.  10/22/27.




Day 3. March 17, 2023. Signs showing, we are moving closer to the Day of the Lord.

Following is a short excerpt from a book I’m working on.

Secret Gospel of Mark.

Wednesday night Bible study was to get underway in half an hour. Pastor Joseph arrived early with his wife Carolyn, Rita, Polly, and Greg. When they walked into the conference room, the family warmly greeted everyone. Several of Greg’s high-school buddies came over, congratulating him on his win in the hundred-meter dash and the Relay race.

Josh, “Man oh man, Greg those were the best races I have ever seen.”

“Thanks Josh, it felt good to break through the ice.”

“When’s your next meet?”

“I believe next Saturday against Mississippi State.”

After ten minutes of chit-chat, everyone present went into the conference room. Pastor Joseph went to the front of the class, he greeted everyone, and everyone responded, “Hello pastor Joseph.”

With a gleam in his eye and a broad smile, Pastor Joseph said, “Well, I suppose you have all heard of the good news of Greg’s first track meet at Auburn? Let’s give Greg a big hand.” Everyone stood, turned toward Greg, and gave him a round of applause. Greg blushing stood and thanked everyone for their support.

“Ok, let’s get started. We will spend time discussing how and why Jesus is being openly mocked on almost every public platform of communication. He is being mocked daily by politicians, Hollywood celebrities, Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, those questioning their sex, intersex, ‘ace’, atheist and others. Let me begin by reading something I pulled off the internet earlier today.”

Pastor Joseph reached into the inner pocket of his sport coat and pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it, then read, “Is it so odd that someone, somewhere, would claim Jesus Christ might be gay? We know he was a perpetual bachelor who loved hanging out with the guys and one day, threw one of the most famous dinner parties ever.

He points to his intimacy with John the Baptist, then wrote, In the late 50es, a Columbia University scholar, Morton Smith, made the claim he discovered part of a letter from Clement of Alexandria copied into the blank pages at the end of a seventeenth-century printing of the letters of Ignatius. His transcript and translation are the only versions available, claiming the original text was lost. 

According to Morton, what he discovered was a reference by Clement to a “secret” gospel of Mark, a supposedly expanded version of the biblical Gospel of Mark. He claims two verses from the document; the first involves Jesus’ resurrection of a young man, who then spends the night with Jesus undressed. The second is that Jesus rejected the young man’s family.

Scholars have been and continue to question the authenticity of this work. According to Smith, Clement claims Mark expanded his gospel, and only a select few were to learn the secrets of the updated version. The Bible has outstanding traceability, but Smith’s claims have zero support. But even more condemning, these secret documents are never mentioned in any other source or known piece of ancient literature.”

Pastor Joseph reached for his Bible and asked the class to turn to 2 Thessalonians 2:3. He began to read, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the coming day of the Lord) shall not come, except there comes a falling away first.”

He closed his book and continued, “Paul indicates deception will come in three ways; first, there will be those who willfully spread lies among believers. However, the apostle Paul and John focus on the teaching of one individual. John calls him a lawless man, the antichrist. In the gospel of Matthew, we find the same warning, ‘Take heed that no man deceives you.’

In verse two, Paul details by what means this deception comes, first, by the spirit. Christians will be baited and then snared by those professing to have the spirit of prophecy. John wrote, ‘believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.

Secondly, by words or saying alleged to be those of the apostles.” Hesitating a moment his voice lowering and his expression more serious, Pastor Joseph said, “if this level of deception was going on back in the apostle’s day, how much more today? Lies spread to millions of viewers, deceitful, pretentious, and dishonest. Every venue, the Internet, Television, Movies, News media, celebrities, forums, and Radio all utilized to draw people away from the truth. By these methods, the word has been corrupted, Christians disarmed, and Jesus made out to be a hypocrite.”

Pastor again asked the class to turn to Ephesians 6. Continuing, “This is a spiritual war waged against the powers and rulers of darkness. Christians warned to put on the whole armor of God. Why? So, we can stand in the power of his might. We are not going on a picnic, were at war, a war for your soul and mine, a war unable to be won unless we put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Nowhere does the kingdom of darkness come more clearly in view until the light of Jesus Christ exposes it.”

So why do so many loathe Jesus, his word and his disciples? because they cannot corrupt him! Silence filled the room; Pastor Joseph believed he had driven his point home.

Phillip LaSpino