Day 6

Day 6, March 26, 2023. 

Artificial Intelligence in the hands of evil men will be the last nail in the coffin before the tribulation begins. The devil said, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, — I will be like the most High.”

Two things Satan needs to do before even thinking about exalting his throne above Jesus Christ’s. He has to create, and he has to raise the dead to life. I believe Artificial Intelligence hooked into super computers may be the technology needed to accomplish his goals.  10/22/24

George Santos the man who lied about everything in his life in order to get elected, and who is himself a homosexual has introduced a bill cutting off money to nations who discriminate based on sexual orientation. And like any disease or plague, this perverse lifestyle he stands behind is spreading and infecting our children and young adults. Homosexuality is a blasphemous sin against God, man and nature. It will bring God’s wrath down on this nation if we continue on this politically motivated path.  10/22/27.