False Teachers Divide

False Teachers Divide:

The word false is an adjective. It means, not true; not conforming to the facts; it expresses what is contrary to that which exists, said, done, or thought. It could be a false report, a false accusation, a false witness, a false opinion.

The word teacher is a noun; are those who instructs, or tutors.

Because a noun (teacher) dominates a sentence, the adjective, “false” describes the type of teacher we have in mind. A “false teacher” is one who is unlearned in the truth, who has their own agenda, and that is destructive to self, and church. They invoking the name of God, or Jesus, this being a smoke screen to veil their true intentions.

They corrupt slowly the things of God, their teaching usually touching on some of the following.

They deny creation, the virgin birth, that Christ is the only way, the resurrection, and ascension, the rapture of the church, that Jesus is not God, the doctrines of hell, a literal devil, and salvation by works.

The heresy of these false teachers has invaded every corner of the Christian community, they divided families, friends, churches, and countries; Ireland being an example.

Matthew 12:25, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”

When differences of ideas or opinions begin to fester in a church, they can be traced back to its’ leaders. Self pride is usually a first cause, they having changing the doctrines of God, with those of men. 

Corrupted Bibles, misrepresented Scripture, followed by commentaries supporting personal biases, opinions, and suppositions. Study books, and various material then going on to support their corrupted translations.

Cults have many things in common. Their #1 purpose is to destroy the power, the glory, the works, and victory of Jesus Christ.

No lie is of the truth. Imposters, unfit for the work of God, liars, following in the footsteps of their father, the devil.

1 John 2:22, “Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah, the Anointed One)?

Those who oppose Christ, deny the witness and testimony of the Father.

The Holy Spirit teaches and directs the truths of God, and Christian’s are to be persuaded by love. We are obliged to abide with Christ, to continue in God’s work, and wait for His return with confidence and joy.

When their doctrines flip-flop, they attempt to destroy all copies of all previous teaching, or emphatically deny that they ever taught that doctrine. When presented with actual hard-copy of their old teaching they state, “We have misinterpreted what was previously stated,” or, “Their previous teachings only appears to contradict themselves. ” (Note, many of the people who have come out of cults have done so because Christians have presented verifiable contradictions in their teaching from one time period to the next).

Many times I have witnessed the same organization, different preachers, on different programs teaching both sides of a doctrine.

The six days of creation is usually tossed around and denied in many quarters. Was it six days? did each day represent a thousand years? and in some cases each day may be said to represent billions of years, they making every effort to bring their teaching into a full agreement with some pseudo-science, or theory.

Because of these things, many begin to question God’s word. They argue, “If the Scriptures are incorrect in Gen.1, the Bible is most likely in error elsewhere. They may then state, “Because men wrote it, corruption most likely has set in.”

Personal opinions begin to establish themselves in the minds of those who hear them. These new disciples then begin to mouth the doctrines of these false teachers.

The Scriptures state that one day is 24 hours. It is established by the rising and setting of the sun. This is supported in Exod.20:11, when God said, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day.” Again in,

Exodus 31:17, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested.”

In many instances they may cover both sides of an issue, feeling this will protect them from criticism. Walking down the middle of the road, their voices are as, “Sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal (clanging noise),” or, as in 1 Tim.1:6, states, “Vain jangling (idle talk).”

James 3:16, “For where envying and strife (self-seeking) is, there is confusion and every evil work.”

Confusion usually comes about when basic fundamental doctrines are challenged. Another example is the employment of woman pastoring churches, or that God no longer deals with the Jewish people or the land of Israel. They move on to say that the church is now called spiritual Israel.

Speaking in an unknown tongues, homo-sexuality, abortion, slaying the spirit, there is not rapture, these are only a few of the lies taught today.

1 Cor.14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” False teaching cause strife, which usually leads to division:

The word confusion in Greek is, “akatastasia,” it meaning instability, disorder, commotion, tumult, sedition. Our Lord is not the author of these things, but of peace.

Listen carefully, read and compare all material received by you. Compare carefully any doctrines that appear to contradict foundational truths. Pray the Holy Spirit for guidance, ask questions, study and read the Bible often.

If anyone claims that salvation is by Christ Jesus, PLUS something, reject them. Salvation is by, and Through, Jesus Christ alone. There is no other way.

Phil LaSpino    www.seekfirstwisdom.com