The Robes Of Jesus

The Robes of Jesus

The robe, cloak, or sometimes called a mantel was a large loose-fitting garment. It was worn for both warmth and appearance. It existed in two varieties, the me-il, and the simlah.

The Me-il was a long, loose-sleeved robe, worn by men of official position, ministers, educators, and the wealthy. A robe of the professions, a dress of dignity, culture, and distinction.

The Simlah was the large, loose-fitting sleeveless cloak. Arab shepherds and peasants would be seen wearing this garment. It was warn in the day, and wrapped about the owner by night for warmth. These robes were not to be taken as a pledge unless returned to the owner by sundown.

Genesis 37:3, “Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colors.”

For this favor show to the youngest son, and their jealous rage, his brothers hated Joseph. So the brothers plotted against him to kill him. You know the story. After throwing Joseph in a pit, Judah eventually convinced his brothers to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites.

After their scheme was finished, they killed a goat, and dipped the coat of many colors in its blood, and sent the coat of many colors back to their father Jacob; and Jacob wept.

These four robes that Jesus wore, were soaked in his blood. Mocked, scourged, and killed, because of a jealous rage. An Oh how his Father must have wept when he saw the blood stained robes of his Son.

Question: How many robes did Jesus wear from the last supper with his apostles, until He died on the cross?

Jesus wore 4 robes!

Robe 1,

At the last supper when Jesus sat at bread with His disciples, He removed his outer garments, (His robe) took a towel, and girded himself.

In this, Jesus took on the dress of a servant. He poured water into a basin and proceeded to wash the disciple’s feet. Jesus then wiped their feet with a towel He had girded himself with. After washing their feet, he took His garments, and put them back on.

Robe 2.

Luke 23:10-11, “The chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him (Jesus.) And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, = (treated Jesus with contempt) and mocked him, and arrayed = (dressed) him (Jesus) in gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate.”

Robe number 3.

Matthew 27:28, “Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, (governor’s headquarters) and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. They stripped him down, then put on him a scarlet robe.” Verse 31, “And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment = (clothes) on him.”

Robe number 4. 

John 19:1, “Pilate, therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. And the soldiers platted (twisted) a crown of thorns, and put it on his = (Jesus) head, and they put on him a purple robe, and said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote = (struck) him with their hands.”

Every robe covered in His precious blood, He enduring pain, suffering the pain of death because of the love he had for his people.

Was their any significance in the colors? And what was the material used to make these robes? 

These garments, or habits, were fabricated from various materials. Wool was generally used for finer fabrics and the hair of goats, camels, and even horse hair were used for the manufacture of coarser garments.

Sackcloth was manufactured from black goat’s hair. This robe was a course garment made for the purpose of, or for the show of grief, such as the loss of a loved one.

In Egypt and Syria they wore robes made of fine linen, cotton, and byssus, which most likely a fine muslin from India, this being the finest cloth known in the ancient world.

People of distinction could be seen wearing robes made of silk, and other rich cloth, they being shaded with the choicest colors, decorated by feathered work, and embroidered with gold.

White garment were the most common. These robes had not been dyed, but remaining the native color of the natural wool. White was not confined to the lower order of the population, but was held in great esteem among those of superior position, and were highly valued in Scripture as the emblem of knowledge, purity, gladness victory, grace and glory.

The priests of the god Baal wore black, this color being common to them. Others of the pagan population would chose not to wear black except in mourning.

Was there any significance in the various colors of robes?

Scarlet robes were of a bright red color. This color robe could be seen on Jewish nobles and courtiers. Courtiers were those who attended the courts of princes. These scarlet colored robe were worn for both the greater and more solemn occasions. These robes had been dyed with a shrub, whose red berries gave a bright orient tone to the cloth.

Then we have the crimson or vermilion. This is a deep red color. These robes were mainly dyed in the city of Tyre. The color was attained from the liquid of a shellfish that could be found in the sea, or obtained from certain insects.

Robes of many colors were worn by the children of wealthy and noble families. This mark of distinction could be traced back to Joseph, who was arrayed by his father in a coat of many colors.

These robes were reserved for Kings daughter’s who were virgins. Tamar, the virgin daughter of David wore a garment of many colors, but after being raped by her brother, she tore the garment.

The Jews were forbidden by law to wear any garment made of a mix of wool and linen. Only this mix was forbidden, any other combination of materials was accepted.

Phillip LaSpino