The Great Image

The Great Image:

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a great image whose head was of fine gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet of part iron and part clay.

Gold represented the kingdom of Babylon; the chest and arms of silver represented the Medes and Persians. The belly and thighs of bronze represented the Greeks und Alexander the Great. The legs of iron represented the Roman Empire. And lastly we have the kingdom made of clay and iron. This last kingdom is yet unknown to us, but most of us have a good idea who it may represent.

Now what do the 4 known kingdoms have in common? Each was an enemy of the Jew; each conquered the Jews and established a Gentile presence in Israel. Each was eventually defeated, and than driven out of the land by the armies that followed after.  With this in mind I find no reason to understand that the kingdom of iron and clay won’t follow suit.

They will be an enemy of the Jews;

They will trample under-foot Jerusalem.

They will take many into captivity.

And like all who proceeded them, will be defeated.

The only difference, this last kingdom of iron and miry clay will be destroyed by the coming of the Lord, and not by other Gentile armies.

With the above information let us move forward to Dan.9. Daniel speaks of 70 weeks being determined upon Daniel’s people, meaning the Jew. Most of us understand that after 69th week were finished, Jesus was cut off. “Not for himself” meaning that the kingdom the Jews had been expected would come to nothing.

So there remains one week which represents 7 years, that is if we stay in step with the first 69 weeks that have already been fulfilled.

The phrase “last” or “last days” means it comes after all others. So what proceeded these last days?

Let’s talk about a day, days and weeks. Daniel speaks of 70 weeks, each week meaning 7 years, and each year represented by 360 days. There is a beginning of a week, middle, and end to every week. Again my question, so what is it that proceeds this last year, this last week, this last day? Of course it’s other years, weeks and days.

The last week or last days, represent 7 years as stated in Daniel’s prophesy. This would break down to 2520 days. When we read about the “last days,” plural it would be making reference to this last 7 years, or the 70th week.  When we say the last day (singular) we would be speaking of the last year of this prophesied 7 year period. So when we read the Scriptures concerning this subject, the context should reveal to us what part of this last week, or 7 years it’s making reference to.

Again, the last days would represent the whole of the week, meaning 7 years. The last day would represent the last year of this 7 year period, which of course would also have a beginning, middle and end.

John 6:39-40-44-54 Jesus speaks of the last day, singular. Each verse mentioned has the phrase “raise him up at the last day” in it. Therefore the context teaches us that at the end of the last day, of the last year the tribulation will be finished, than will Jesus raise from the grave those who did not receive the mark of the beast, and they will reign with him for 1000 years, Revelation 20:4.

Daniel’s prophesy will have been completed, the stone that was cut out without hands, broke in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver and gold. Jesus will return and do away with the enemies of Israel; set up his Temple, and rule as King for 1000 years. 

Phillip LaSpino