Ultimate Sacrifice

The Ultimate Sacrifice: 

I heard a story that you may enjoy. There was this young girl called Kerry who had contracted a rare disease. Doctors told her parents that there was no know cure unless they could find someone that had the antibodies she needed to live. With a transfusion Kerry had a good chance to survive.

It was found that Kerry’s little brother had the antibodies needed. The parents spoke with their son telling him that his sister was very sick and needed his help. The little boy asked, “What can I do for her?”

They explained that his sister needed his blood in order to get well. The little boy quickly replied, “If it will save my sister’s life I will give her my blood.” At this moment no parent would have been more proud of their child.

The parents immediately called the hospital and made arrangements for the procedure to take place. The day of the transfusion, Kerry and her little brother were prepared.

Kerry was lying down on a table with her brother alongside. The little boy spoke to his sister, “The doctor said your going to get well soon, I am giving you my blood.”

As the blood began to flow from the boys arm to his sisters, almost immediately her cheeks began to show a rosy color. It was apparent the transfusion was going to be a success.

The boy turned to the doctor and said to him,
“Can I ask you something,” The doctor said, “of course you can.”

The boy asked, “How long will it be before I die?”

The youngster by his own understanding thought he had to give ALL his blood in order to save his sister. But without hesitation he said he would. His support for his sister was without limits although he was without proper understanding.

This is what Christ has done for us. He gave His life in order that we may live. Without setting limits He gave all He possessed, having full knowledge of the pain, and suffering he was to endure before His death: this our Lord did without hesitation.

In every home, every building their are support walls; remove one, and the structure collapses. Christianity has four walls that support God’s temple, The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the men and women that will give all they have without questions.

Phillip Laspino  www.seekfirstwisdom.com