Catching Away


Catching Away:

Someone asked, “When in Bible Prophecy does it say the catching away of the church and the seven years of tribulation begin?

Phil replies, “Good question! I have been doing a great deal of research on the subject for quite some time now.  I believe that within the pages of Scripture lies the answer to your question. Unlike other Christian’s who have gone before us we can now look back on history and have a much clearer view of it. Knowledge has increases greatly, as has the means to share it.

My thinking is this; until certain major events occurred close to the time of Jesus return, it was not necessary for the Holy Spirit to reveal this information to us. Over the centuries few had enough faith to believe and understand passages like Deuteronomy 30:4-5; Ezekiel 37:21-28; Isaiah 11:10-16, etc.

The calamities that have befallen the Jewish people since 70 A.D. have no parallel in history. And after Hitler’s attempt to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth, few thought they would ever recover; but they did by the grace of God. And to this day their enemies now surround them on all side, they are having one goal, one purpose and that’s to finish what Hitler didn’t. 

The one event that jump-started end time prophesies was the declaration implemented in 1948. Up to that time the Jews were called the wandering Jew, a phrase that had become a by-word. They had become a marvel of human resourcefulness, and survival. The Almighty has kept His promise to save them for His grander end plan.

Back to your question, we have several verses that I have focused on, first,

Hosea 6:2, “After two days (a 2000-year period) will He (Jesus) revive (make alive in the spirit) us (the Jews): In the third day (the 1000-year reign of Christ) He will raise up, and we shall live in his sight.”  Then there’s,

Daniel 12:11, “From the time —– that the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1290 years.)”  Followed by,

Daniel 12:12, “Blessed is he that waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days, (1335 years).” There are others also.

Also we must take into consideration the time in which King David purchased the land for the Lord on which the Temple was to be built; this period also plays a part in this end time scenario.

Two questions needed to be answered,

1. When did each of these three periods of years begin?

2. Will each of these take us to the same time in the future?  

This would bring us to the day and hour the church is caught away; when the tribulation period begins and ends some seven years later. Then on the third day, the thousand-year reign of Christ would begin. If I am not correct, no harm done, I have enjoyed doing the research, but if I am correct, we are 3 to 4 years away from the greatest, and the most catastrophic events that man has ever been blessed with and the world will have to suffer.

Phil LaSpino