The Democrat Party Rejects God

February 5, 2020:

The Democrat Party Rejects God:

In this article, I am not throwing a blanket over the whole of the Democratic party, but my blanket will cover most of them.

Those in this party are, for the most part, atheist. Why do I say this? because of their support of homosexuality, abortion, the removal of Bibles and prayer from schools, sporting events, public buildings and parks and so much more. And to those who call themselves Christian and support the Democrats, you are really kidding yourself! However, you are not kidding the Lord, who will judge you.

If you support this evil in any way, shape or form, you’re as guilty of these sins against God as those who are committing these crimes. If you think political correctness is more important then your eternal soul, continue supporting and voting for this evil. Certain people with certain life styles have gained more than a foot-hold in Congress and other high standing positions in politics and in law enforcement. If they continue with this momentum, they will have their hands around your throat, and it’s the Christian community who will be gasping for air.

The Democrats attempted overthrow of President Donald Trump is nothing but a political attempt at a coup-d’etat, led by a team of lying, deceiving lawyers.

Nancy Pelosi, the head of this impeachment monster, claims to be Christian. I guess it would depend on what her definition of a Christian is. She attended Trinity Washington University which is a Catholic university and Notre Dame. I say, with this background, she should understand what the LORD expects from His followers. Not sure what her major was, but it’s surely not honesty and integrity.

Nancy’s father Thomas D’Alesandro had many shady friends. Men like mobster Benjamin “Benny Trotta” Magliano, a Baltimore faction of the Gambino Crime family. Now Magliano was identified by the F.B.I. as one of Baltimore’s top hoodlums. He was the representative for Frankie Carbo of N.Y., noted for his corruption, murder Incorporated; and a made-guy in the mafia.

Nancy’s father was a Congressmen for 9 years, and mayor of Baltimore for 12. Nancy is also a career politician, and secret deals are nothing new for her. The Pol past dealings are no different than the coup she is now attempting on our President. The Pelosi family has become very wealthy, and it’s said that part of their wealth was made off of taxpayer’s subsidies funneled through and made by shady corrupt backdoor dealings.

If anything should ever happen to the President and the Vice President, as in “both being impeached,” Nancy who is the speaker of the House of Representatives would become President of the United States. This may be the ultimate goal of the Democrats who seem to be working extremely hard for the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Now, let’s talk about the tail of this Democratic monster whose god is the Devil himself. No one should kid themselves; these socialist Democrats are out to destroy Christianity. They hate the Jews and everything Jesus Christ died for. Satan is the power behind them; their goal; use the Muslim nations to destroy Israel, and politics to destroy Christianity. To them, religion is OK, but Christianity is not. False religions with corrupt leaders have become a powerful tool in the hands of these anti-Christs who call themselves Democrats.

You may ask yourself, “why would they want to exterminate the people of Israel?” If Israel does not exist, then the promises Jesus made concerning His return to Israel and the establishment of His kingdom in Jerusalem would be made null and void as would many other prophesies and promises made by the LORD. I honestly believe the removal of President Trump is the key to this Satanic plot.   

Any reasonable person knows Adam Schiff is a liar; Jerry Nadler another known Liar; Hillary Clinton, hmmm, it would take ten pages to list her crimes; Ocasio-Cortez, talks to much, and knows nothing. Her, with her bar room mouth, along with Rashida Tlaib, and Omar IIhan, both Muslims, all hate the Jewish people and Christians.

Now, let’s take a look at Mayor Pete Buttigieg. First, let me say I do respect him for his service in the military, and am quite sure he served with honor. But this article is not about political or military service. It’s about his defiance of God!

Pete Buttigieg is the wife, yes, I said wife of the man, Chasten Glezman Wiki. Buttigieg is running for President of the United States. He most likely will not get the nomination for the Democratic party, but just the fact that he has attained such a high position in politics should send shivers up and down the spine of every Christian in America.

It’s obvious the morals of many American voters have hit new lows in moral evaluation. They have put into power men of sin, men like Buttigieg and others cut from the same cloth.

The United States has now voted 10 openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual people into high positions in Congress. Men and women who hold a great deal of power in both the House and Senate.

  1. Pat Maloney of New York; his spouse, Randy Florke.
  2. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, has a female partner.
  3. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, has a male girlfriend.
  4. Angie Craig of Minnesota has a surrogate partner.
  5. Sharice Davids of Kansas, her partner, unknown.
  6. Katie Hill of California, she’s a bisexual.
  7. Chris Pappas, New Hampshire, gay, not married.
  8. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin is the wife of Philip Frank.
  9. Kyrsten Simema of Arizona is bisexual, married to Blake Dane.
  10. Mark Takano of California, has a boyfriend.

Well, that’s the lineup, a lineup that spells trouble for believers in Christ Jesus. Let me remind you all,

Genesis 18:20, “And the LORD said, because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous: I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it which is come unto me;”

The LORD disclosing to Abraham the awful doom he’s about to inflict on Sodom and the cities of the plain for their wickedness. The terms “Sodomy” and “sodomite” are derived from the Canaanite city of Sodom, whose destruction along with the 4 other cities in the plains can be read about in Genesis. Homosexuality, gay lifestyle, sodomites, call it what you will, but these things are the grounds for destruction, and don’t think America is immune from God’s wrath.

It has been estimated the population of these 5 cities that were destroyed with fire and brimstone was about 200,000. Now think of that number, 200,000! Now, let’s compare that number of fallen people to God’s patience and mercy. The LORD said to Abraham,

“I will not destroy it for ten’s sake” (meaning He would not destroy these 5 cities if ten righteous people were found in them,) Ten of 200,000! I’m sure not everyone who lived in these 5 cities were homosexual or lesbians, but those who were not, obviously were in some way supportive of them, therefore, as guilty in the eyes of God as those committing these blasphemous offences against him. And because the LORD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, I’m also sure His thinking and judgements have not changed on these matters.

Phillip LaSpino