Timeline of God

New timeline:

The following timeline will take us from the beginning of the fall of Adam to the end of the world, Revelation 21:1. The goal, to take all the important historical events and dates given in scripture that bring us to the last day, the day when the old heaven and earth are done away with and a new heaven and a new earth are brought in,

Revelation 21:1, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”

The fall:

Genesis 3:23-24, “the LORD God sent him (Adam) forth from the garden of Eden,” — and so, “He drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep (guard) the way of the tree of life.”

According to the best of all chronologist, the time of Adam’s eviction from the garden, Sunday evening, 6 P.M., October 22, 4004 B.C., at the moment of the equinox. This is when time as we understand it began.

The equinox is when day and night are approximately of equal duration. Sunset begins the night time, it occurring when the lower half of the Sun’s disk is setting below the Western horizon. At that instant, the suns center is still above the horizon.

This year, 2020, the fall equinox will be on the 22ed of September. In the Year 2027, the fall equinox will fall on the 23ed of September.  

And the man and the woman were, “driven out from the garden.”


Abraham to Daniel:

Abraham, born in 1973  B.C.; died 1798 at the age of 175. Jesus at the age of 30 was baptized in October of 27 A.D.

If we were to take the number of years between the two dates of Abraham’s birth, 1973, and Jesus Baptism in 27 A.D., we get exactly 2000 Years.

Moses was born in 1400 B.C. died in 1280 B.C.

David was born in 1040 B.C. He was crowned King of Israel in the year 1010 B.C. David ruled until his death in 970 B.C.

The year 973 B.C., during the period of Philistine wars, David purchased the threshing floor atop Mt. Moriah from Araunah for fifty shekels of silver.

If we take the number of years between David’s purchase of the threshing floor in 973 and take it to the year 2027 A.D., we have a period of exactly 3000 years.

And what stands on God’s holy ground today in Jerusalem atop Mt. Moriah is the abomination of desolation, the Muslim place of worship, the Dome of the Rock.

After David died in 970 B.C., his son Solomon took the throne. Solomon began building the Jew’s Temple in 966 B.C.

Some 380 years later the Temple would be destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, the year, 586 B.C., ending the Kingdom of Judah.

Jehoiakim became king of Judah in 610 B.C., he died in March of 597 B.C. during the siege of Jerusalem.

Jehoiakim’s death in 597 B.C. up until the Year 2027 A.D. accounts for 2625 Years. Concerning that particular number, 2625, Daniel 12:11-12, has something to say about it.

Daniel writes concerning two distinct periods of time, the first, 1290, the second, 1335. When added together we have the sum of 2625 Years.

Nebuchadnezzar was co-ruler in Babylon with his father Nabopolassar from 607 B.C., that is, until his father’s death in August of 605 B.C. It was in the year 605 B.C. that Nebuchadnezzar became sole ruler of Babylon.

Daniel 1:1, “In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, (607 B.C.), Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came into Jerusalem and besieged it.”

Nebuchadnezzar went to Jerusalem in 607 B.C., and removed the sacred vessels from the Temple.


Daniel to Jesus baptism in October of 27 A.D.

The year 606 B.C. is when the Jews 70 years of captivity began in Babylon. Taken from Israel were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as well as others.

Jeremiah 25:11, “And this whole land (Israel) shall be a desolation, — these — shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.”

The 70 years of captivity ended in the year 536 B.C.

Daniel 1:2, in the year 606 B.C., “the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his (Nebuchadnezzar’s) hand, and with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god.”

Now as sole ruler, in the second-year of his reign, 603 B.C., the king has a dream concerning all the future empires of the world, they all destroyed with the coming of Christ who is represented in the dream as,

Daniel 2:34, “a stone cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet —- and broke it to pieces.”

Again, in 598 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar lays siege to Jerusalem, in 597 he kills the sons of Zedekiah.

Jeremiah 52:28, “This is the people whom Nebuchadnezzar carried away captive: in the seventh year three thousand Jews and three and twenty.”

In 586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar has the captain of the guard Nebuzar-adan go to Jerusalem, loot the temple of all its remaining sacred vessels, burns down the Temple, the king’s house and all the houses of Jerusalem. He then destroys the walls around the city and deports 3023 Jews to Babylon,

In the same year, 598, Jehoiakim dies, ending the kingdom of Judah.

Belshazzar, the last king of Babylon is defeated by Cyrus the Great, a Mede and king of the Medio-Persian empire. This, in October of 539 B.C., ending the Babylonian dynasty.

Cyrus ruled the Persian empire until his death in 530 B.C. He was followed by Darius the 1st who ruled the empire from 530 to 486 B.C.

After Darius’s death, Ahasuerus, or Xerxes the 1st would rule the Persian empire. He died in the year 465 B.C.

In the period between 607 B.C. and 486, the prophets Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Haggai and Zechariah lived and authored their books.

The book of Esther covers the period between 483 to 473 B.C. In the year 478 B.C. Esther marries the king of Persia, king Ahasuerus, also known as king Xerxes.

In the year 473 B.C., the Jewish Holy day of Purim was first celebrated. The Holy day of Purim is celebrated to this day.

If we take the year of the first celebration of Purim 473 B.C. and add the year 2027 A.D., the Jews will have celebrated this one holy day for exactly 2500 Years.    

In the year 456 B.C., King Artaxerxes releases the Jews to return to their country and to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem.

This was the year 456 B.C., Daniel’s prophesy concerning the seventy weeks of years, or 490 years began. The 490 Years was to be divided into 4 specific periods of time.

The first period of 49 years ended in 407 B.C. This was the end of the Old Testament prophets concerning Israel, Malachi being the last.

It would be another 400 Years before the Lord spoke to any other prophet of Israel. He would speak to Daniel’s people again in 6 B.C. This when He spoke to Zedhariah, the father of John the Baptist.

Coincidently, it was also 400 years that the Jews served in Egypt before the Exodus in 1446 B.C., Genesis 15:13, and exactly 400 Years between Malachi’s book, and Zechariah’s encounter with the angel of the Lord, Luke 1:11.

Now back to the 490 years: The first 7 weeks or 49 years was completed in 407 B.C. The 2ed 62 weeks or 434 years ended at the river Jordon between the 15th and 30th of October, 27 A.D. How do I know this is correct?

Luke 3:23 tells us, “Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age,” this written at the time of His Baptism. No male Jew could do the work of a priest in the temple unless they had reached the age of 25.

Also in October of 27 A.D., at the age of 30, the Lord was anointed by the Holy Spirit as the Messiah. So, in the year 27 A.D., 483 years of the 490 were completed as prophesied, with 7 years remaining.

Daniel tells us in Daniel 9:26 that Messiah (Christ) would be cut off halfway through his ministry of seven years, his ministry ended in April of 31 A.D. So there remains a period of 3 1/2 years in order to fulfill completely the 490 years. The last 3 1/2 years will be fulfilled by the two witnesses of Revelation 11:3, “And I (the LORD) will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days (3 1/2 years), clothed in sackcloth.” 

Let’s back up a few centuries:

Alexander the Great conquered the Persians in the year 333 or 331 B.C. He dies an unknown death in 323 B.C.

It was in the early months of 281 B.C., King Seleucus of Greece, one of the 4 notable horns of Daniel 8:8, consolidated the Grecian empire in the North, and Ptolemy Philadelphus in Egypt to the South. 

It was in August the same year Seleucus was murdered, leaving the throne to his son Antiochus. The family of Antiochus, is represented as “the little horn which waxed exceeding great, Daniel 8:9.

The generations of Antiochus would rule the Greek empire for the following 200 years. The terror of them all would be Antiochus the 4th. In 63 B.C. the Greeks would be pushed back to their original borders by the Romans and the end of the dynasty of Antiochus’s ended. 

As mentioned above, in Daniel 12:11-12, we have been presented with two very specific periods of time, the first is 1290, the second is, 1335. When added together, we have a period of 2625.

All of the prophesies in Daniel and Hosea concern the empires of the world, therefore we can determine the above two mentioned periods of time though they are said to be days, have to be measured years. Days make no sense in the story of empires throughout the book of Daniel and in the context of chapter 12.

In the Year 598 B.C. as mentioned above, Nebuchadnezzar lays siege to Jerusalem, kills the sons of Zedekiah and makes Zedekiah king in 597.

Nebuchadnezzar destroys Jerusalem in 588 B.C., loots the temple of all its remaining sacred vessels; and in 586 burns down the Temple, the King’s house and all the houses of Jerusalem. He destroys the walls around the city and deported 3023 Jews to Babylon, ending the kingdom of Judah.

From 598 B.C., to this day, the Jews have had no Ark of the Covenant, no Mercy seat, and the sacred items which lay inside the Ark.

Inside the Ark was Moses broken tablets, Aaron’s rod that budded, and a quantity of manna from the wilderness, all of it taken or destroyed. Also, the fire in the Brazen altar had been extinguished and the bronze altar cut up. The fire in the altar was never to be extinguished by command of the LORD. But it was extinguished when Nebuchadnezzar raided the Temple, and cut up the brazen alter.

Without the Ark of the Covenant, and the Mercy seat, Temple sacrifices by law ended in 598 B.C.

Daniel 12:11, “And from the time (598 B.C.) the daily sacrifice shall be taken away,” Prophesy fulfilled!

Moving forward 1290 Years from the year 598 B.C., we come to the Year 692 A.D. This is the year, “the abomination of desolation was set up,” speaking of the Dome of the Rock which to this day stands on God’s Holy ground.

But Daniel is told his people would have to wait another 1335 Years. For what? The “time of Jacob’s trouble,” the final 7 years of the 490 as prophesied.

Jeremiah wrote, Jeremiah 30:7, “Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he (the Jews) shall be saved out of it.” With,

Daniel 12:1, “There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy (Daniel’s) people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”

From the years 692 A.D. when the abomination of desolation, the Dome of the Rock was “set up,” Daniel is told that the people would have to wait another 1335 Years.

If we take the year 692 and add 1335 Years, we come once again to the year 2027 A.D.

It was in early May of 4 B.C. John the Baptist is born.

Six months later, in October, between the 15th and 30th of 4 B.C., Mary gives birth to the Lord Jesus.

Herod the Great, king of Israel had inquired of the wise men concerning the child Jesus. But,

Matthew 2:16, “when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, he was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Beth-lehem, — from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.”

Jesus is born in late October of 4 B.C. Now, the year Herod the Greats commanded all children 2 and younger to be murdered took place in 2 B.C., or early 1 B.C. Herod is said to have died most likely in 1 B.C.

After the Lord’s baptism in October of 27 A.D., Jesus would be tested of the devil for 40 days in the wilderness. Soon after this testing, in late November or early December of 27 A.D., John the Baptist is put into prison.

From October of 27 A.D. when the Lord was baptized by the Holy Spirit until October of 2027, exactly 2000 Years will have passed.

The Jews holy day of Yom Kippur begins on the 10th of October of 2027. It is the holiest of all the holy days celebrate by the people of Israel. Four days after Yom Kippur, comes the Jewish holiday Sukkot. It celebrates the autumn harvest and commemorates the 40 years Israel spent wandering in the desert.

Andrew and Simon about the time John is put into prison, declare, “we have found the Messiah.”

It was at his baptism by the Holy Spirit that the Lord’s earthly ministry began.

In April of 31 A.D., after 3 ½ Years, Jesus would be put to death on the cross. From October of 27 A.D until April of 31 A.D., 3 ½ Year passed.

It was in this time-frame the Lord had begun to confirm his new covenant with the Jews, as prophesied in Daniel 9:27.

Once the Lord died as the Lamb of God, a Lamb without spot or without blemish, all Israel had been cursed.

Matthew 23:38, Jesus said, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” Abandoned by God!

Jesus was to be the last blood sacrifice offered up to the Father for the forgiveness of sin.

When did Jesus take this perfect sacrifice of blood to the Father for the forgiveness of sin? For the answer, we need to go to John 20.

Mary Magdalene is speaking to a person she believed to be the gardener. She asked him,

Verse 15, “Sir, if you have borne (carried him (Jesus) away) hence, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.”

Once she realized she was speaking to the risen Lord she goes over to hug him. But the Lord said to her,

Verse 17, “touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”

Why was Mary told not to touch the Lord? It was the same reason Jesus burial cloths were left lying in the tomb, and Jesus was now seen clothed in a radiant white garment from heaven.

John 19:7, “And the napkin (face cloth) that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.”

Man is unclean, the things of this earth are unclean, so for Mary or anyone else to have touched the Lord, or for him to go before the Father in things made from this world, the risen Lord would himself have been unclean.

Exodus 40:12-13, “thou shalt bring Aaron — unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and wash them with water.” — “thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may minister unto me (God) in priest’s office.”

Jesus, our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek would ascend to the throne of the Father; present himself a Lamb without spot and without blemish, then return to the earth.

How long did all that take?

To be in the spirit world is to live without time and to move through it faster than light itself.

The Lord went from this earth to the Father’s throne and back if measured in our time, in the blink of an eye.

Later that same day he would walk with two of his disciples on the road going to the town of Emmaus, Luke 24:13-31.

Daniel wrote in Daniel 9:26-27, that the new covenant with the Jews is to be confirmed for one week, or 7 Years. The historical events of Jesus 3 ½ year ministry and his being cut off after 3 ½ years speak for themself.

Jesus was the prince who sent Titus with his army to Jerusalem to destroy the city and the temple, this in order to fulfill His will and Daniel’s prophesy. He did the same with Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, both are said to be chosen vessels for the Lord’s use.

Daniel 9:27, “And he (Jesus) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week; and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation (offerings), to cease.

What remains in order to confirm the new covenant with the Jews is 3 ½ years. Two questions remain, who will the Lord send to finish the work of confirming his new covenant with the Jews? and when will it begin? Get to that later.

Let’s review the above:

  1. We have Adam and Eve cast from the garden of Eden, October 22, 4004 B.C.
  2. David crowned King of Israel in 1010 B.C. He purchased the land atop Mt. Moriah in 974 or 973 B.C., the place where the house of the LORD was to be built.
  3. David dies in 970 B.C., and Solomon becomes King. He begins building the Temple in 966 B.C.
  4. Jehoiakim became king of Judah in 610 B.C., dies in March of 597 B.C.
  5. Nebuchadnezzar is co-ruler with his father in 607 to 605 when his father died.
  6. In 603 the King has a dream of all future empires of the world.
  7. The King in 586 B.C., lays siege to Jerusalem.
  8. The Temple is destroyed as well as the city.
  9. Belshazzar the last King of Babylon is killed by Cyrus the Great’s army in 539 B.C., thus ending the Babylonian empire.
  10. Darius the 1st would rule the Persian empire until his death in 486 B.C.
  11. After Darius died, Ahasuerus or Xerxes the 1st ruled the empire until his death in 465 B.C.
  12. Between 607 B.C. and 486, the prophets Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Haggai and Zechariah lived and authored their books.
  13. The book of Esther covers the period between 483 to 473 B.C.
  14. In 478 B.C. Esther marries the king of Persia, king Ahasuerus, also known as king Xerxes.
  15. In the year 473 B.C. the Jewish Holy day of Purim was first celebrated.    
  16. In the year 457 B.C., King Artaxerxes releases the Jews to return to their country and to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem. The year 457 B.C.
  17. Malachi was the last of the Old Testament writers, 407 B.C.
  18. John the Baptist born in early 4 B.C.
  19. Jesus is born 6 months later in October of 4 B.C.
  20. In 2 or 1 B.C. Herod the Great dies.
  21. In October of 27 A.D. Jesus is baptized.
  22. In April of 31 A.D. Jesus is crucified.

After the Roman empire collapsed under its own weight of war and sin, the Roman Catholic church came into power. There’s no particular year that can be pointed to concerning their rise to power, but the year 325 A.D. could be argued with strength. That was the year of the counsel of Nicaea, and birth of the Nicene creed.

The Holy Roman Empire led by the Catholic church ruled with an iron fist and stomped the residue with steel boots for the next 1500 years. Today, their power has diminished, but their political connections remain throughout the world as well as their wealth.

In the 6th century, the prophet Muhammad was born, died in the year 632 A.D., he being the founder of Islam. Muhammad was born of the generations dating back in time to Ishmael, the brother of Isaac, and Esau, the brother of Jacob.

The Arab nations and their religion of Islam have been a terror to the world, especially in the Middle East, and especially to the Jews. They numbers over a billion, four hundred million. My thinking is, the antichrist will come from this people.

Then we had the rise of the Turkish Empire also called the Ottoman Empire. They came to power at the end of the 13th century, captured Constantinople, changed its name to Istanbul. Their power greatly declined by the 19th century.

Daniel speaks of two feet of iron and clay mix; each have 5 toes. So, I suppose we can include all the empires that spun off of the Roman Empire. The Spanish, the English, the French, the German and Dutch.

Now if one would like to include America today which is a nation built upon the people of many nations. Today, America stands as an empire, it being the most powerful and financially wealthy nation on earth.

In September of 1917 the Belfour accord is written up, but not implemented. The accord was a promise made by the nations after World War 1 to return the Jews back to their ancient home-land.

In May of 1948 the accord was implemented and the Jews for the first time in 1900 Years officially owned and occupy their own nation.

From September of 1917 to May of 1948, exactly 31 years would pass.

In 2019, the Jews had occupied their own land for a full 70 Years. Here are some updated stats. The average lifetime of a male Jew living in Israel today is 79 years. The Biblical standard for a generation is 70 years of age, but,

Psalms 90:10 reads, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (80),” in other words a healthy man may live to be 80.

So, if a man were to live to be 80 years of age according to today’s statistics, this would be considered one full generation.

It is written, the generation that sees all of the prophesies fulfilled spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24:23 will not pass away.

By the year 2027, any Jew born in the land in 1948 will be 79 Years of age, one full generation by todays standard.

So here we stand in the year 2022, in a land, America that not too long ago could call itself Christian. But today, it’s a nation that has been infected by the coronavirus, by mob rule, a corrupt House of Representative’s led by Nancy Pelosi, “Wonder woman.”

Law and order throughout America have broken down, the Department of Justice has not made one criminal charge against the most corrupt people who have ever held a high position in the F.B.I., and C.I.A. Thanks to Democratic Governors, hardened criminals are being let out of jail early only to commit more serious crimes.

Thanks to our former President, Donald Trump the flow of illegal’s had been slowed. Fascinating, Illegal mean’s nothing to these corrupt Democrats.

Our Supreme Court is being led by a not so Supreme Court Chief Justice, Roberts. He has turned his back on the Lord and on the church. He now takes sides with the far left; with the gay and lesbian community and with abortionists. Robert’s no longer determines Constitutional laws to be Constitutional, he now makes up his own version of what’s Constitutional.

President, Obama, I believe was the most corrupt President America has known in the past 100 years. This corruption also stands on the front door of the F.B.I., C.I.A. and justice department.

Well, the Lord warned us of these coming days, people and a nation made of a mix of iron and miry, unusable clay that cannot bid to any metal. 

Phillip LaSpino www.seekfirstwisdom.com